
Shopper Ratings

A few days ago, Jimmy posted a comment that asked about shopper ratings. We thought it was an excellent question and wanted to provide more details.

Each provider has its own rating system that applies to only that company. Some companies use a scale of 1-10, some use categories, and some companies have other methods. To find out what your rating is with a company, you should contact your scheduler there. Here is some excellent insight from Jodi Paul, President of Consumer Impressions, Inc. (www.consumerimpressions.com/) about her company's policies and ways that you can improve your rating.

Shoppers' Rating

Consumer Impressions uses an internal rating system to evaluate the performance of our shoppers. When a shopper joins our team, they are initially ranked as New in two categories: Reliability and Quality.

After the shopper has performed two surveys, their status is re-evaluated, and they are rated as either Excellent, Good, Fair or Poor in both the Reliability and Quality categories. A shopper's rating determines the number of surveys they are allowed to perform for us.

If the company you are working for does not post your rating, you can always ask for feedback on how you are doing.

How to make sure you have an Excellent or Good rating

Communicate with your Scheduler! We understand that you will have to change a date or be unable to perform a survey because of a sick child, death in the family, or any other variety of things that come up in daily life. They key is to just let your scheduler know! 99.9% of the time, there is no problem changing a date, but when you do not change it yourself, or let your scheduler know the situation, concerns start to pop up in the scheduler’s mind. When these concerns pop up, your rating goes down. When your rating goes down, your shopping opportunities go down with them.

Perform your survey as assigned! If you are to do a dine-in, then perform a dine-in. Don’t just change it to a drive thru because it’s easier for you. Go within the time frame given, and if you cannot get there then change it to another date.
Provide detailed, verifiable information! When filling in your completed survey form, provide some details. Management of the business you have shopped does not learn anything from your comment “Suzy was friendly.” They need to know WHY you thought Suzy was friendly. “She made eye contact, smiled, seemed genuinely interested in taking care of me.” Or, more importantly, when “Suzy was not friendly,” they need to know WHY. “Suzy never looked at me, just stood there waiting for me to order. After each item, she just stood there, finally I had to say that was all. She rang it up, gave me the total and stood there. I paid her and she turned and walked away without another word.”

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