Like to be the first to hear about shops in your area? Get on board with the newest ways to communicate in the secret shopping world – Twitter and Facebook!
With these state-of-the-art methods of communication, you can be get alerts about upcoming shops in real time. No more waiting for offers or logging in to check the job board. You don’t even have to be at home! Follow your favorite companies by becoming a fan or a follower. News is always at your fingertips!
Don't have a Twitter account? That's okay; it’s easy to get one, and it’s never too late to get started. Sign up today at
. Once you register, you control of how much or how little information you want to receive. And, you have the option to get alerts sent right to your phone! So no matter where you are, you’re in the know! Click here to go to the AboutFace™ Secret Shoppers Twitter page.
New to Facebook? Registering couldn't be easier. Just log in to , click on “Sign Up,” answer a few simple questions and you’re in!! Once you’re a member, you can search for the companies that you want to follow and become a fan of their pages. Click here to go to the AboutFace™ Secret Shoppers Facebook Group’s page.
Twitter and Facebook are free and so simple to use, and they can put you ahead of the game. What are you waiting for?
Mystery shoppers are all the rage now. Companies providing this service are growing large and service many states. What you don't know is that in MOST states this activity is illegal. While there is no statute specifically banning individuals from doing shops, there are laws that define what a "investigation" is and mystery shopping falls well within those definitions. This subsequently requires mystery shoppers, and those companies providing them to hold private investigators licenses. There are a few exceptions Like California, where there is a specific EXCLUSION of mystery shopping from the Private Investigators act. Without this specific exclusion you can pretty much count on it being illegal and sooner or later the Private Investigator's accociations will be pushing for the criminal prosecution of those engaged in this conduct
I want everyone to know that if you got to this site via ZEOXmark, that they are scam artists. If they send you a check; do not cash it. The checks are forgeries from innocent peoples' accounts.
Great blog on mystery shopping!
I find it quite strange that mystery shopping is banned in some states in America. In England it's quite a legitimate practice with big companies like McDonald's taking part. It's not like they're being private investigators, they're just experiencing the service on offer and filling out a questionnaire about it. Seems quite harmless to me, it's just like customer feedback in my opinion and it will only help companies improve customer service.
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